Friday, April 26, 2013

What's gonna work???

Whew!  I made it through another week.  A long, sorta tiring, eventful week.  I am glad to be home relaxing and leisurely thinking about what quiet activity I'll enjoy this evening - NOT!  Laundry is going, I've watered the plants outside, done some weeding and added soil to some of the pots, dinner is in the oven, I've answered emails and I'm getting ready to go workout.  Sometimes it feels like there are never enough hours in the day to get it all done.  I am reminded of how much it helps to know you've got someone in your corner for support when you're feeling tapped out.

For me, I am thankful for my family and co-workers today.  I've had activities after work a couple of nights this week, and I'm happy to say my kids handled dinner and clean up afterwards and it feels good to know they can survive without me here.  Yeah, I know, you're probably laughing and wondering why I think they couldn't make it alone.  However, as a mommy who cares a lot about her family, it bothers me not to be home to cook and eat dinner with them and my husband. 

My co-workers, angels that they are, amazed me this week.  I am a paraprofessional in the autism room at an elementary school in my neighborhood and this week was challenging.  Maybe it's because spring has sprung.  Perhaps it was due to the full moon and strange weather we've had.  I'm pretty sure it's just the nature of what we do, but whatever the case may be, I'm so glad to have women in my corner who support and nurture me and the kids as we find our way through each day.  It is such a comforting feeling to know that we all come together with the same goals in mind no matter  how hard, frustrating, sad, hilarious, wonderful or strange things may be in our classroom; we want each child in our room to receive the best care, education and learning opportunities possible while providing a safe, loving environment to do it in.   

God has truly placed me in a position to witness caring, strong, willing, kind, creative, loving, dedicated people to work with and for that I thank Him.  So much goes on each day, and if I tried to write about a typical day in our room, it wouldn't be possible because each day is new and a wonder to behold.  I am blessed beyond measure to be entrusted with these precious children to work with.  I've learned so much from them, and I am thrilled for the chance to do my best to make a positive difference in their lives.  I am just so glad to be part of a team of people that truly have the kids' best interest at heart. 

So in the words of the Wonderpets....

Oh look!  Someone needs us!  Quick team!  Let's go.....

Autism team
We're on our way
To help a friend
And save the day
We're not too big
And we're not too tough
But when we work together
 We've got the right stuff
What's gonna work?  Team work!
What's gonna work?  Team work!  Go, Autism Team, yay!
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. ~Ecclesiastes 4:9  NLT


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