Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Ahhhhhh, summer...taking the boat out, staying up late, sleeping in longer than normal, not having a set schedule each day, attacking and completing several projects that have stared me in the face for months...

I really like being home during the summer.  Even though my kids are getting older and most of the time they are either working, with friends, or in their room, I still feel extremely blessed and privileged to be here for them.  My heart is full and happy and I am going to enjoy each moment that I have with them.

Being able to take walks with friends, going to the pool, getting ice cream, and basically flying by the seat of our pants feels good!  I wouldn't like to do this always, as I do thrive on routine and knowing what comes next, however it is a nice break from the busyness of the school year.

My oldest is heading to college in less than a month.  It is strange, yet feels right at the same time.  He is ready.  I am ready.  Didn't think I would be, but I am. My middle son is driving now, and he just got home from a month away at a summer vocal program held at Radford University.  Maybe having to adjust to him being gone and missing him was my preparation for the letting go I will face in August...My daughter will head off to Middle School this year.  So in a nutshell, this is a big year for our family.

God is so faithful.  He has prepared me and equipped me to deal with all of these milestones and I am so grateful to Him!  I had several moments of doubt, fear, and feelings of inadequacy as I thought about all of the changes taking place. Then He lovingly stepped in and removed those feelings, leaving me with security in  His promises.  I know that we will make it through because of the love and strong family ties we have knit together over the years.

For now, I will continue to revel in  the lazy, comfy, memory-making days because I know that before I even realize it, they will be gone and another year will be upon us with its new adventures waiting in the wings. 

Ahhhhhhhhhh, summer.....